For me, political art is born of the moment.  Something catches my attention on multiple levels and I respond in the moment - simple and fast; never over worked or worked beyond the moment.  Often I am surprised by the outcome and left literally shaking for I have encountered truth.  Cynical you ask or screaming for understanding in hopes that change can be effected.

Thank you, America!
For my son...
Proud to be an American -
With love to Monet!

How many love affairs does a lifetime hold?  Do you search them out or do they land in your lap giving you the opportunity to enjoy?

I’ve always believed that I was French and Napoleon and I were innocent friends in our youth.  I stayed on long after he was gone and encounter the Impressionists - Manet, Monet, Pissaro, Cezanne, Renoir, Degas, Sisley, Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt.

From the small town of Barbizon, I wandered North to South and East to West seeking out the beauty of the light, their old familiar haunts, and cafes where they rested at the end of the day in the camaraderie of friends and a glass of wine or pastis.

To this day, Friday nights are dedicated to remembering these bright shining stars in the company of artist friends!

Lavender fields of Provence
Neptune’s Revenge

The Rainbow Series of the ‘70s

48” x 60”

Mixed Media; Destroyed

60” x 48”

Mixed Media; Destroyed

48” x 48”

Oil on Canvas

Private Collection

6” x 8”

Acrylic on Paper

Private Collections

48” x 24”

Oil on Canvas; Private Collection

Not included here are shades of orange, purple and green.

All six are now in private collections throughout the United States.

24” x 24”; Acrylic on Canvas.

60” x 48”

Mixed Media; Private Collection

All Content © 2011 - 2018 Stephanie T. Cincotta | 505.466.4800

No artist ever forget’s their first “one man” show; the energy, the isolation that it demanded, the doubt that haunted what you were thinking until your mind ceased to chatter and your hands took over in a feverish quest to get it down, get it right, get it done!

And then you wait for the critics ...

Critics Choice

And, And, And

An  Exhibit of Hope

Grace Cathedral - February 1992

This is an incredible exhibit- striking and thought provoking. - Maria Aprahamian

I am a Japanese girl.  I can’t say anything, but I felt something when I saw it. - Tomoko Haseqawa

Thank you for a most deeply moving experience.  I am different because of it. - June Downs

A very strong and true message - Talented, Inspiring and Moving! - Eddie Powell

WowI  This packs a punch.  It’s moving and exciting and wonderfully done. - Jim & Molly Eschen

Truly one of the most moving art exhibits I have seen. - Jon Jackson

A powerful, emotive exhibit, as it should be.

Thank you for sharing your commitment to a better more peaceful existence. - Janette Moody

Then comes the day that you are flipping through a magazine and your mouth drops open. “That’s my paintingI” . That’s my 

“With love to Monet”.
Use of magazine cover and story courtesy of Harris Publications.